Better Regulation
OECD (2019)
Better Regulation Practices across the European Union
Almost a decade after the OECD reviewed the better regulation practices in 15 EU
countries, this report presents an up-to-date analysis of the use of core regulatory policy
tools across all 28 EU Member States and the European Union. In 2017, both the
European Union and EU Member States show a strong overall political commitment to
regulatory reform. All EU Member States have adopted regulatory policies promoting
government-wide regulatory reform, covering various areas of regulatory governance.
Regulatory policy in the European Union progressed under the better regulation agenda,
which played a crucial role in shaping the current Commission’s regulatory processes.
For the first time, the OECD has assessed stakeholder engagement, regulatory impact
assessment (RIA), and ex post evaluation systematically across all EU countries and the
European Union, drawing on its composite indicators of regulatory policy and
governance. EU countries have, on average, invested less across the three assessed areas
than non EU countries. The difference is particularly striking for the area of ex post
evaluation, indicating that EU Member States have yet to develop effective systems to
review existing regulations. While therefore more progress is needed, many EU countries
have significantly improved their regulatory management practices over the last decade.
For instance, substantive investments have been made by EU Member States to seek
input on draft laws from affected parties, especially via electronic communication.
Furthermore, nearly all EU Member States have embedded RIA as a core part of their
regulatory management toolkit. Although the European Union as an institution scores
favourably compared to most of the Member States, the implementation of regulatory
management tools can still be improved by all.
EU countries do not usually facilitate the early engagement of their citizens in the
European Commission’s regulatory proposals. The Commission uses a range of different
tools to engage with stakeholders at various points during policy development. EU
countries and their citizens thus have opportunities to participate, provide evidence, and
improve EU laws, including at early stages of their development. Many member
countries, however, do not sufficiently inform their stakeholders of these opportunities to
provide input. Instead, most stakeholder engagement with EU laws occurs after the
Commission has made a regulatory decision via individual transposition procedures. At
this stage, the focus of consultation is generally on the implementation of EU directives,
rather than on their expected societal impacts. To ensure that EU laws benefit fully from
stakeholder consultation, Member States should provide better evidence and information
during regulatory design to complement the existing practices of the European
Where Member States’ regulatory practices are poor, the potential benefits of EU laws
will be reduced. For example, if EU laws are implemented in a piecemeal manner, the
resulting regulatory burdens will be higher than they should be, hampering investment
and reducing competition, as well as posing a risk to the single market. Where EU
countries include additional regulatory measures in excess of those provided in EU laws,
it is important that these measure be subject to appropriate consultation and impact
assessment as part of their design, to ensure that the anticipated gains from EU laws are
With respect to domestic law-making in Member States, stakeholder engagement often
takes place too late in the policy development process to be of real value. Perhaps more
striking is that, in some Member States, stakeholder engagement is still not sufficiently
broad. The vast majority of EU countries have heavily invested in the establishment of
online government portals to better communicate with affected parties when developing
laws. While praiseworthy, these investments are not yielding their full potential benefits.
For example, stakeholders are generally not informed by policy makers about how they
have helped to shape and, ultimately, improve regulatory proposals. This may lead to
disenchantment among stakeholders, and possibly to the rejection of laws, and to
diminishing voluntary compliance and engagement in future stakeholder consultations.
Greater accountability for the results of consultation is not only needed in EU countries
but also in OECD countries more broadly, the 2018 Regulatory Policy Outlook found.
Many EU countries are also not reaping the full benefits of using regulatory impact
assessment to aid domestic law-making. They do not systematically assess alternatives to
the proposed regulatory option, and where a triage procedure exists, it tends to focus on
the cost to business only when determining a proposal’s potential impact and the
corresponding level of assessment required. The RIA process still begins only after
regulatory proposals are developed and decided upon by governments. Furthermore, there
is no real incentive to change practices, as there are little or no consequences to producing
poor quality RIAs. Despite its instrumental role, oversight is still one of the least
developed features of regulatory policy in many EU countries.
All EU countries and the European Union itself remain more adept at making laws than at
ensuring they continue to deliver benefits to communities. Laws are not systematically
subject to ex post evaluations in almost all EU countries, creating a risk that obsolete laws
remain in force. This represents a substantive waste of resources to the economy: to
governments, in terms of unnecessary inspections and enforcement; to businesses, in
terms of excessive regulatory burdens; and to citizens, in terms of reduced choice,
increased prices, and exposure to potential risks when regulations do not keep pace with
societal changes. Where ex post evaluations are conducted, they tend to be unstructured,
and do not systematically allow for public consultation or impact analysis. Worse still,
ex post evaluations do not systematically assess whether regulatory goals have been
achieved—something of vital importance for establishing whether laws remain
appropriate. These findings are in line with the findings for OECD countries.
The better regulation agendas of EU countries and of the European Union need constant
attention – a ‘set and forget’ model does not work, just as it does not work for laws
themselves. Countries need to strengthen their regulatory processes and the institutions
involved. At a time of fiscal stringency and heightened global uncertainty, regulatory
policy remains a key government tool for ensuring the safety and well-being of citizens
while stimulating innovation and economic growth and prosperity. Despite some
improvements, much work remains to be done to reap the rewards of better regulation.