Webinars on "Regulation and Covid-19" - Penn Program on Regulation

The Penn Program on Regulation is organizing a series of webinars on the topic "Regulation and COVID-19". These webinars follow-on the Regulatory Review's COVID-19 Comparative Administrative Law Series, one of them reposted on this website. 

Comparing National Responses to the COVID 19 Crisis

July 29th, 2020


A Panel Discussion With: Jacques deLisle, University of Pennsylvania Florentin Blanc, OECD Elena Chachko, Harvard Law School Jorge Contesse, Rutgers Law School. Moderated by: Neysun Mahboubi, University of Pennsylvania

The COVID-19 Crisis and Its Implications for U.S. Regulatory Law

August 26th, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxOfdWaS7wI&t=3s

A panel discussion with: Allison Hoffman, University of Pennsylvania Richard Parker, University of Connecticut Alejandro E. Camacho, University of California, Irvine Robert Glicksman, George Washington University.Moderated by Cary Coglianese, University of Pennsylvania


Next seminars will be about "COVID-19 and Comparative Administrative Law: Assessing National Responses to the Pandemic" (October 2, 2020).