
Digital markets
Pınar Akman (2021)
Regulating Competition in Digital Platform Markets: A Critical Assessment of the Framework and Approach of the EU Digital Markets Act
The European Union’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) initiative, which is set to introduce ex ante regulatory rules for “gatekeepers” in online platform markets, is one of the most important pieces of legislation to emanate from Brussels in recent decades. It not only has the potential to influence jurisdictions around the world in regulating digital markets, it also has the potential to change the business models of the wealthiest corporations on the planet and how they offer their products and services to their customers. Against that backdrop, this article provides an analysis of the aims of and principles underlying the DMA, the essential components of the DMA, and the core substantive framework, including the scope and structure of the main obligations and the implementation mechanisms envisaged by the DMA. Following this analysis, the article offers a critique of the central components of the DMA, such as its objectives, positioning in comparison to competition law rules, and substantive obligations. The article then provides recommendations and proposes ways in which the DMA – and other legislative initiatives around the world, which may take the DMA as an example – can be significantly improved by, inter alia, adopting a platform-driven substantive framework built upon self-executing, prescriptive obligations.
Artificial Intelligence and new technologies regulation
Fabiana Di Porto (2021)
'Algorithmic Disclosure Rules'
During the past decade, a small but rapidly growing number of Law&Tech scholars have been applying algorithmic methods in their legal research. This Article does it too, for the sake of saving disclosure regulation failure: a normative strategy that has long been considered dead by legal scholars, but conspicuously abused by rule-makers. Existing proposals to revive disclosure duties, however, either focus on the industry policies (e.g. seeking to reduce consumers’ costs of reading) or on rulemaking (e.g. by simplifying linguistic intricacies). But failure may well depend on both. Therefore, this Article develops a `comprehensive approach', suggesting to use computational tools to cope with linguistic and behavioral failures at both the enactment and implementation phases of disclosure duties, thus filling a void in the Law & Tech scholarship. Specifically, it outlines how algorithmic tools can be used in a holistic manner to address the many failures of disclosures from the rulemaking in parliament to consumer screens. It suggests a multi-layered design where lawmakers deploy three tools in order to produce optimal disclosure rules: machine learning, natural language processing, and behavioral experimentation through regulatory sandboxes. To clarify how and why these tasks should be performed, disclosures in the contexts of online contract terms and privacy online are taken as examples. Because algorithmic rulemaking is frequently met with well-justified skepticism, problems of its compatibility with legitimacy, efficacy and proportionality are also discussed.
Experimental approach to law and regulation
Sofia Ranchordas (2021)
Experimental Regulations and Regulatory Sandboxes: Law without Order?
This article argues that the poor design and implementation of experimental regulations and regulatory sandboxes can have both methodological and legal implications. First, the internal validity of experimental legal regimes is limited because it is unclear whether the verified positive or negative results are the direct result of the experimental intervention or other circumstances. The limited external validity of experimental legal regimes impedes the generalization of the experiment and thus the ability to draw broader conclusions for the regulatory process. Second, experimental legal regimes that are not scientifically sound make a limited contribution to the advancement of evidence-based lawmaking and the rationalization of regulation. Third, methodological deficiencies may result in the violation of legal principles (e.g., legality, legal certainty, equal treatment, proportionality) which require that experimental regulations follow objective, transparent, and predictable standards. This article contributes to existing comparative public law and law and methods literature with an interdisciplinary framework which can help improve the design of experimental regulations and regulatory sandboxes. This article starts with an analysis of the central features, functions, and legal framework of these experimental legal regimes. It does so by focusing on legal scholarship, policy reports, and case law on experimental regulations and regulatory sandboxes from France, United Kingdom, and The Netherlands. While this article is not strictly comparative in its methodology, the three selected jurisdictions illustrate well the different facets of experimental legal regimes. This article draws on social science literature on the methods of field experiments to offer novel methodological insights for a more transparent and objective design of experimental regulations and regulatory sandboxes.
Artificial Intelligence and new technologies regulation
S. Ranchordas (2021)
Empathy in the Digital Administrative State
It is human to make mistakes. It is indisputably human to make mistakes while filling in tax returns, benefit applications, and other government forms which are often tainted with complex language, requirements, and short deadlines. However, the unique human feature of forgiving these mistakes is disappearing with the digitization of government services and the automation of government decision-making. While the role of empathy has long been controversial in law, empathic measures have helped public authorities balance administrative values with citizens’ needs and deliver fair and legitimate decisions. The empathy of public servants has been particularly important for vulnerable citizens (e.g., disabled individuals, seniors, underrepresented minorities, low income). When empathy is threatened in the digital administrative state, vulnerable citizens are at risk of not being able to exercise their rights because they cannot engage with digital bureaucracy. This Article argues that empathy, the ability to relate to others and understand a legal situation from multiple perspectives, is a key value of administrative law which should be safeguarded in the digital administrative state. Empathy can contribute to the advancement of procedural due process, equal treatment, and the legitimacy of automation. The concept of administrative empathy does not aim to create arrays of exceptions, imbue law with emotions and individualized justice. Instead, this concept suggests avenues for humanizing digital government and automated decision-making through the complete understanding of citizens’ needs. This Article explores the role of empathy in the digital administrative state at two levels: First, it argues that empathy can be a partial response to some of the shortcomings of digital bureaucracy. At this level, administrative empathy acknowledges that citizens have different skills and needs, and this requires the redesign of pre-filled application forms, government platforms, algorithms, as well as assistance. Second, empathy should also operate ex post as a humanizing measure which can help ensure that administrative decision-making remains human. Drawing on comparative examples of empathic measures employed in the United States, the Netherlands, Estonia, and France, the academic contribution of this Article is twofold: first, it offers an interdisciplinary reflection on the role of empathy in administrative law and public administration for the digital age that seeks to advance the position of vulnerable citizens; second, it operationalizes the concept of administrative empathy.
Regulatory and Administrative Burdens Measurement
Coglianese C., Scheffler G., Walters D. (2021)
At the center of contemporary debates over public law lies administrative agencies’ discretion to impose rules. Yet, for every one of these rules, there are also unrules nearby. Often overlooked and sometimes barely visible, unrules are the decisions that regulators make to lift or limit the scope of a regulatory obligation, for instance through waivers, exemptions, and exceptions. In some cases, unrules enable regulators to reduce burdens on regulated entities or to conserve valuable government resources in ways that make law more efficient. However, too much discretion to create unrules can facilitate undue business influence over the law, weaken regulatory schemes, and even undermine the rule of law. In this paper, we conduct the first systematic empirical investigation of the hidden world of unrules. Using a computational linguistic approach to identify unrules across the Federal Register, the Code of Federal Regulations, and the United States Code, we show that unrules are an integral and substantial feature of the federal regulatory system. Our analysis shows that, by several conservative measures, there exists one obligation-alleviating word for approximately every five to six obligation-imposing words in federal law. We also show that unrules are surprisingly unrestrained by administrative law. In stark contrast to administrative law’s treatment of obligation-imposing rules, regulators wield substantially more discretion in deploying unrules to alleviate regulatory obligations. As a result, a major form of agency power remains hidden from view and relatively unencumbered by law. Recognizing the central role that unrules play in our regulatory system reveals the need to reorient administrative law and incorporate unrules more explicitly into its assumptions, doctrines, and procedures.