Nudge: Past, Present, Future: Lecture by Harvard Professor Cass R. Sunstein

On the 22nd January 2025, Harvard Professor Cass R. Sunstein held an honorary lecture on the perspectives of "nudge" at Luiss University in Rome, organized in collaboration with the Herbert Simon Society. 

The lecture was preceded by the introductory remarks of Henriëtte Prast, Professor of Finance at Tilburg University and Former Senator of the Dutch Parliament and followed by the remarks of Riccardo Viale Scientific Coordinator of the Italy Behavioral Insights Team, in the Department for Public Administration and member of the Herbert Simon Society. President Luigi Carbone (Italian Council of State), Luiss Professor Daniela Di Cagno, Constitutional Judge Marco D’Alberti Professor Emeritus, Luiss Professor Nicola Lupo and Luiss Professor Bernardo Giorgio Mattarella discussed the most significant issues of the lecture in a roundtable. Finally, concluding remarks were given by Giuliano Amato, Former President of the Italian Constitutional Court.