LEAR | Young Talent Competition Award (YTCA)

Lear, associated partner to the European Master in Law and Economics - EMLE, organizes the Lear Competition Festival. The latter is an innovative international event, where all stakeholders of the antitrust community are brought together. Experts from a variety of backgrounds will address the most topical issues of competition law and economics.

Over its three days, the festival will host cutting-edge debates on new competition tools and issues, discussions of selected international cases, and advanced academic contributions on competition law, competition economics, competition policy, and regulation.

Building on the great enthusiasm generated in the previous edition, LCF22 will once again host the Young Talent Competition Award (YTCA) for young economists and lawyers in the field of antitrust and regulation who wish to pursue a professional or academic career in the field of competition law and economics, policy assessment and regulation.

The research proposal needs to be related to one of the following topics​:

  • Competition law
  • Competition economics
  • Public policy assessment
  • Regulation (in any sector)

The winner will be awarded a prize of € 1,500 and the opportunity to join the 2023 edition of  the Trento Summer School on Advanced EU Competition Law & Economics (maximum two attendees).

Below you find the rules to participate and further details on the award.


The Scientific Committee will prepare a ranking of the three best proposals. The Scientific Committee includes the following four outstanding academics and practitioners:

  • Pinar Akman
  • Professor of Law at the School of Law at the University of Leeds
  • Michele Carpagnano
  • Dentons Rome, Professor of Trento University, Faculty of Law
  • Joseph Harrington
  • Professor, Department of Business Economics & Public Policy, The Wharton School University of Pennsylvania
  • William E. Kovacic
  • Professor of Global Competition Law and Policy at George Washington University
  • Tommaso Valletti
  • Professor of Economics at Imperial College Business School


Participation to the Young Talent Competition Award (YTCA) is open to post-graduate students and PhD students who wish to pursue a professional carrier in the field of competition law, competition economics, policy assessment, or regulation. Both economists and lawyers can participate.

The proposals for research should be submitted in PDF to award@learcompetitionfestival.com

The deadline for the submission of the proposal is June 15, 2022. Please note that the proposals received after this date will not be considered.

Download the rules of participation

YTCA 2021: shortlisted candidates

Below you find the best three proposals shortlisted for the Young Talent Competition Award.
The winners of the first edition of the Young Talent Competition Award (YTCA) are Francesco Clavorà Braulin and Michela Boldrini with their research proposal “Taming Tech Giants’ Algorithms: the Amazon Buy-Box Case”.