La vaccinazione anti COVID-19 come problematica di diritto pubblico

ICON-S Italy organized a webinar titled “Law, Obligation, Emergency, Conflict: The Covid-19 Vaccinations as a Public Law Issue” in collaboration with the Luiss “Vittorio Bachelet” Research Center on Public Administration and the Luiss Center for Parliamentary Studies.

The event will take place on the 24th of February 2021 from 4:00 p.m. and it will be held in Italian.

The panel will be composed as follows:

Introductory Greetings

Bernardo Giorgio Mattarella, Director of the "Vittorio Bachelet" Research Center on Public Administration, Luiss University.

Nicola Lupo, Director of the Centre for Parliamentary Studies, Luiss University.


Michele Massa, Professor of Institutions of Public Law, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart.


Carlo Casonato, Professor of Comparative Public Law, University of Trento, Member of the CNB.

Alessandra Pioggia, Professor of Administrative Law, University of Perugia.

Lorenzo Rampa, Professor of Economic Analysis of Law, University of Pavia.


Giulio Napolitano, Co-President, ICON-S Italia

It is possible to register here.

24 February 2021