The Future of Better Regulation: A Transatlantic Perspective| 30th March 2021


The Future of Better Regulation: A Transatlantic Perspective| Webinar recording


On 30th March 2021, the EUI School of Transnational Governance, the Observatory on Regulatory Impact Analysis (Osservatorio AIR) and the George Washington University Regulatory Studies Center held a notable webinar titled “The Future of Better Regulation: A Transatlantic Perspective”.

The discussion covered the early choices of the Biden-Harris administration and the forthcoming (at the time) Communication on better regulation of the European Commission.

In particular, the event focused on matters such as:

  • How are Washington and Brussels (re)defining the role of better regulation?
  • What is the scope for foresight and sustainability in the emerging trajectory of better regulation?
  • Should regulatory offsetting remain an established practice in future-proof regulatory oversight?
  • Will the European and US approach converge and if so on what?
  • What should the forthcoming Communication of the European Commission say?

The eminent panel was composed as follows:

Introductory remarks:

  • Elizabeth Golberg  (former Director of Smart Regulation, European Commission’s Secretariat-General and Senior Fellow at the Mossavar-Rahmani Centre for Business and Government at the Harvard Kennedy School).


  • Susan Dudley (Director of the George Washington University Regulatory Studies Center; former Administrator of OIRA – Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in the U.S. Office of Management and Budget).
  • Claudio M. Radaelli (Professor of Comparative Public Policy, EUI School of Transnational Governance, Florence), Principal Investigator on the Protego Project funded by the European Research Council and President of the Scientific Committee of the Observatory on Regulatory Impact Analysis (Osservatorio AIR).

 It is possible to watch the recording of the event by clicking here.

(Luca Megale)