First European Parliament annual conference on better law-making: Forward looking policy-making in times of multiple crises

Please save the date for the first European Parliament annual conference on better law-making: Forward looking policy-making in times of multiple crises.

The conference will be hosted by the European Parliamentary Research Service online on Webex Events on Thursday 8 September 2022 from 14:00 to 17:30 hours CET.

Keynote speaker: MEP Tiemo WÖLKEN, Rapporteur on the European Parliament resolution of 7 July 2022 on Better regulation - Joining forces to make better laws.

In the focus:

  • Evolution of the EU’s Better Regulation Agenda over time and reflection on whether it is still fit for purpose to address the challenges emerging out of regulatory mechanisms and practices across the EU.
  • Forward planning for legislation, policy and agenda setting in the context of future-proof legislation and use of anticipatory governance tools in the context of unused potential of the Treaties and potential EU added value.
  • Insight on the new ‘one-in, one-out approach’ (OIOO) and its implementation to date.

The formal invitation and the agenda of the conference will be sent a couple of weeks before the date.

If you are interested in participating in this online event, you can register already now via the EP events registration tool. The Webex link will be sent in due course.

08 September 2022