Book presentation: Nudging’s Contributions to Good Governance and Good Administration, published by EPLO | Hybrid event

On 22 February 2023, the Public Administration School of Catalonia will host the presentation of a noteworthy book edited by Prof. Juli Ponce Solé.
Abstract: The relationships between behavioral insights, law and other sciences and public administrations is an exciting and (not so) new field of academic work and practical applications all around Europe and the world. There are still few publications on the topic from a legal point of view in Europe and even less works including a transdisciplinary perspective. The interest is continuously increasing thanks to the use of nudges against the Pandemic and several Nobel Prizes in Economy in the last years which have been awarded in relation to this issue. This book deals with the relationship between Law and other sciences (Economy, Linguistics and Political Science, especially) and behavioral insights in order to make effective the right to good administration and have a good governance. It considers how different nudges can improve the functioning of public administrations in an effective and unexpensive way, preventing corruption and maladministration. It also analyzes how nudging could lead to a better regulation of private sector in several fields, improving compliance through a less intrusive public intervention that respects the principle of proportionality.

The book presentation will welcome internationally renowned experts, listed below.


February 22, 2023, at 4 p.m. (Barcelona time)

Public Administration School of Catalonia

Welcome and introduction

  • Ismael Peña-López,  Director of the Public Administration School of Catalonia, and author of the Foreword.


Online attendance:

Book presentation: Nudging’s Contributions to Good Governance and Good Administration - YouTube

Personal attendance in situ:

Public Administration School

of Catalonia,

Girona  Street, 20, Barcelona

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Online Access to EPLO publications


Juli Ponce (Ed.), Nudging’s Contributions to Good Governance and Good Administration – Legal Nudges in Public and Private Sectors, (with: Foreword by Ismael Peña-López, Preliminary Considerations by Cass R. Sunstein, Afterword by Ricardo Rivero Ortega), European Public Law Series / Bibliothèque de Droit Public Européen, vol. CXXVI, European Public Law Organization (EPLO), Athens, 372 pp., 2022, ISSN: 2308-8648, ISBN: 978-618-5417-13-0
This book explores the relationship between behavioral insights, law and other sciences and public administrations and their interventions in private activities. It is an exciting and new field of academic research that stimulates the rise of an innovative way to regulate people’s everyday life and their compliance.    
Relevant info


Dr. Juli Ponce Solé

Catedràtic de Dret Administratiu/Catedrático de Derecho Administrativo/ Administrative Law Professor

Universitat de Barcelona

Avenida Diagonal, 684, Departament Dret Administratiu 08034, Barcelona