On the 4th Februrary 2021, the Book "The Crisis of Confidence in Legislation" (eds. Maria De Benedetto, Nicola Lupo, and Nicoletta Rangone) will be presented at the European Council Library.
Speakers will be:
Florentin Blanc, Senior Policy Analyst, Regulatory Policy Division, OECD
Maria De Benedetto, Full Professor of Administrative Law, Roma Tre University, Istituto Luigi Sturzo
Helen Xanthaki, Dean of Postgraduate Laws Programmes of the University of London, University College London, President of the International Association for Legislation
The talk will be moderated by Manuela Guggeis, Head of Unit, Legislative Acts and Planning, GSC.
The current crisis of confidence in legislation that has hit Western democracies has worsened during the last few months. The Covid-19 pandemic has completely rewritten the geography of trust towards institutions at all levels of government (national, European and international), something that also impacts on legislative effectiveness.
The book that will be presented by some of its authors contains and further elaborates on the interventions made at the Conference on this topic organised in October 2019 by the IAL (International Association of Legislation) together with LUMSA, LUISS Guido Carli and Roma Tre Universities and with the patronage of the Italian Senate and that of the European Parliament.
It provides a deep understanding of reasons and responsibilities related to the crisis, in order to prepare the ground for restoring confidence in policies.
There will be time for questions and answers at the end.
To Join: Zoom - register at library@consilium.europa.eu